Heidi B. — Finland

Hail­ing from Fin­land, Artist/Awards Win­ning Vocalist/Songwriter/Composer/Music Producer/ DJ and a Pod­cast host, Hei­di B has an amaz­ing ear for catchy lyrics and sooth­ing melodies. Hei­di dis­cov­ered her music prowess at an ear­ly age, hav­ing attend­ed and grad­u­at­ed from the pres­ti­gious Madeto­ja Music High School in Oulu, Fin­land. She is pro­lif­ic in the edu­ca­tion of music hav­ing stud­ied vocals in Helsin­ki Pop & Jazz Con­ser­va­to­ry and Musi­col­o­gy in the Uni­ver­si­ty of Helsin­ki, Fin­land. Hei­di B has been fea­tured in DMC­world mag­a­zine and sev­er­al oth­er indus­try relat­ed mag­a­zines and radio shows. Hei­di is the sta­tion title voice for SJCafe, Atlanta and a for­mer title voice for The Jazz Cafe at JazzBeats Radio/iHeart Radio. She has writ­ten, per­formed and released sev­er­al crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed and House charts top­ping songs under var­i­ous labels like King Streets Sounds, Nite Grooves, S&S Records, Dot­Dot­Dot Records, Bonan­za Records, Bro­ken Records, Pasqua Records, DBeat­zion Records, Open Bar Music, Embar­cadero Records, Bob­bin Head Music, Moiss Music Black, Kult Records, May Rush Music, Tac­ti­cal Trax, Pro­duc­tion­block Records, Spoilt Brat Enter­tain­ment, Sol­id Fab­ric Records and Intel­lec­to Record­ings. Hei­di B launched Hive Vibe label in 2021 that was ranked at 20th in the top pro­mot­ing labels of 2022 at Music Work, the worlds biggest DJ stream­ing plat­form. Hei­di B has a week­ly radio show res­i­den­cy at BPM Radio Brasil, and Bi-week­ly radio res­i­den­cy at JDK Radio UK, she has bi-week­ly mix show at House Fusion Radio (UK), at Malu­ti Deep House Radio (USA), at Soul­mix Radio (UK) and at Cap­i­talD­isko (Hong Kong & Italy) and at Deep House Soul Radio (USA), she is a mem­ber of a leg­endary Bounce Squad DJ’s air­ing her bi-week­ly mix show as a res­i­dent DJ at Bounce99 WBSD 99.9 (USA). She also has a month­ly mix show at Club­Soundz webradio/ France, and a month­ly mix show for Only­for­Pro­mo by Ter­ry Williams (FR) as their res­i­dent DJ. She has had her guest mix­es air­ing also to Glob­al FM radio (USA,) to Radio Spet­ta­co­lo (Italy), to Elise Radio (France) and to Sun­y­fun Radio (France). Hei­di B has lauched and hosts a pod­cast in YouTube titled Hei­dis House that embraces the glob­al House music com­mu­ni­ty with fea­tured guest inter­views from around the world! She also show­cas­es her mix­es at Hive Vibe Radio by Hei­di B in Hearthis.at- plat­form and curates Hap­py House Par­ty- playlist at Spo­ti­fy. This Is Hei­di B. Vibe with Me!Social media: linktr.ee/heidibofficial


Win­ner of The OGV Music Awards (UK) in a cat­e­go­ry of The Best Emerg­ing Singer 2021 — Sec­ond Run­ner Up at The OGV Music Awards (UK) in a cat­e­go­ry of The Best Emerg­ing Singer 2022 — First Run­ner Up at The OGV Music Awards (UK) in a cat­e­go­ry of The Best Emerg­ing Singer 2023

DJ Res­i­den­cies:

Week­ly radio show res­i­den­cy at BPM Radio Brasil. Bi-week­ly radio show res­i­den­cy at JDK Radio UK, Bi-week­ly Mix Show at House Fusion Radio, UK, https://house-fusion-radio5.webnode.co.uk/ Bi-week­ly Mix Show at Bounce99 WBSD 99.9 by Bounce Squad DJ’s. www.bouncesquaddjs.com Bi-week­ly Mix Show at Malu­ti Deep House Radio, USA. www.malutideephouseradio.com Bi-week­ly Mix Show at Soul­mix Radio, UK. www.soulmix-radio.com Bi-week­ly Mix Show at Cap­i­talD­isko, Hong Kong & Italy. www.capitaldisko.com Bi-week­ly Mix Show at Deep House Soul Radio, USA Month­ly Mix Show at ClubSoundz.fr webradio/ France Month­ly Mix Show for OnlyforPromo/MixCloud as a res­i­dent DJ Guest Mix Shows at Elise Radio, www.eliseradio.com, to Glob­al FM, https://global-fm.com, to Sun­y­Fun Radio, www.sunyfunradio.com and to Radio Spet­ta­co­lo, www.radiospettacolo.com

Fea­tured In:

DMC World Mag­a­zine, Novem­ber 2022. www.dmcworld.net snschisorts/IG by S&S Chica­go Inc. Novem­ber 2023, USA Soul­ful House Nation radio show and pod­cast, Feb­ru­ary 2024. USA, www.soulfulhousenation.com Glob­al FM Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day Take Over, March 2024, www.global-fm.com House Music Con­nec­tion Pod­cast, May 2024, USA The Noisy Chair Pod­cast, Novem­ber 2024, Cana­da Men­tal Mar­gari­ta TV Show, CW Las Vegas Net­work, Chan­nel 33. August 2023, USA Access Grant­ed Radio Show & pod­stream, Sep­tem­ber 2023, Bal­ti­more, USA The Audio Infu­sion Radio Show. WEAA 88.9 FM, Jan­u­ary 2020 and June 2020 S&S Chica­go mag­a­zine, August 2020, USA. www.snschicago.com Elec­tro­fans mag­a­zine, Decem­ber 2020. USA. www.electrofans.com