DJ John Johnson

My name is John John­son aka DJ John John­son from Bal­ti­more. I began my jour­ney as a DJ in 1980 at age 15. House Music was not real­ly exposed to me at that time so I began my jour­ney with Hip Hop, Rap and RnB. I ini­tial­ly began play­ing house par­ties in my city and received my first res­i­den­cy at a night­club called “ The Bal­ti­more Oak­Tree” in 1989 in which I played every Fri­day and Sat­ur­day from 8pm to 2am for 2 ½ years. Our equip­ment con­sist­ed of 3 twelves and a Urei mix­er with 16 Cer­win Vega subs push­ing the pow­er. That was one of my great­est accom­plish­ments. I can play all styles of music but my pas­sion is “House”. That’s where I spend the most time and effort. I love what this sound does to oth­ers. Cre­at­ing an atmos­phere of peace and free­dom with­out wor­ry. I tru­ly get ener­gized thru watch­ing oth­ers groove as I play. I also have expe­ri­ence with all lev­els of equip­ment set ups. Con­tact info 443–416-7466 as well as Facebook.