
RADIO WITHOUT FRONTIERS is an inter­na­tion­al radio pro­gram that pro­pos­es every week six­ty min­utes of DJ sets from var­i­ous coun­tries of the world.
Since 2012, 97 DJs from 25 dif­fer­ent nation­al­i­ties have col­lab­o­rat­ed with it.
The musi­cal gen­res include: the soul­ful house, the deep house, the funk, and the dis­co music.



At the begin­ning of the 90s, RSF was ini­tial­ly broad­cast­ed on Tut­tora­dio Firen­ze, then on Radio One Flo­rence in the years 95 and 96, with the con­tri­bu­tion of pres­ti­gious Euro­pean broad­cast­ers such as Radio Nova Paris, Radio Mul­ti­kul­ti Berlin, Radio Ciel Liège; O’FM Paris, Cade­na Cien Sevil­la, Radio Plat­ja Aro, Radio Cos­ta Bra­va, Flash FM Barcelona and the French insti­tu­tion Fran­coph­o­nie Diffusion.
After the clo­sure of Radio One, the pro­gram has been inter­rupt­ed and took a long pause for reflection.
In 2012 it appeared again ren­o­vat­ed with a new for­mu­la, a col­lab­o­ra­tion between inter­na­tion­al DJs. They week­ly pro­pose their mixed selections.
Those inter­est­ed in col­lab­o­rat­ing with the pro­gram can con­tact us at the fol­low­ing email address: info@radiosenzafrontiere.eu


You can lis­ten to Radio With­out Fron­tiers on:



Tues­day at 10 pm  (Span­ish time zone)





Sat­ur­day at 0 am (Span­ish time zone) 


ONDA MUSICAL Yecla 106.4 fm 

Sat­ur­day at 2 pm (Span­ish time zone)



AYN Radio — Zaragoza

Sat­ur­day at 8 pm (Span­ish time zone). Rep­e­ti­tion on Wednes­day at 8 pm


Ràdio Plat­ja d’Aro — Cos­ta Bra­va, 102.7 FM                                                                                                                                                                                              

Sat­ur­day at 10 pm (Span­ish time zone) 



OMEGAFM SPAIN                                                                               

Sun­day at 1 pm (Span­ish time zone)