Dj Titico — Brazil

Hel­lo, my name is Jail­son Cos­ta, bet­ter known as DJ Titi­co. I’m from Sal­vador, Bahia, born in Sal­vador Bahia, Brazil.
I start­ed my career as a DJ in 1988 with a musi­cal genre born in the Unit­ed States in the 1980s (Freestyle).
He fre­quent­ed night­clubs and par­ties, where he met influ­en­tial peo­ple in the disc jock­ey world.
I start­ed to like House Music lis­ten­ing to House ver­sions of freestyle records, it was pas­sion at first song.
I’m a fan of pro­duc­ers DJ Spen, Richard Earn­shaw, Frankie Knuck­les, Lit­tle Loui Vega, Mark Di Meo, Book­er T. Joey Negro and others.…
It’s easy to like house music like that, know­ing the works of excel­lent producers.
I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on an excel­lent Euro­pean project, under the domain of Mas­ter DJ Niko­la, on Radio Sem Fron­teiras and oth­er projects here in Brazil, with pre­sen­ta­tions in parks, cock­tails, pub and live per­for­mances, all focused on house music and its main aspects .
So I fol­low my path where the big star is good MUSIC.
Let´s Go!!!