Marise Car­doso aka dji­i­va* is a Brazil­ian com­pos­er, Dj and Pro­duc­er, who lives and works in Barcelona since 2000. Dynam­ic, tire­less and cre­ative, Marise is a multi-talent.

With a back­ground in archi­tec­ture and a pas­sion for the arts, she is the founder and cap­tain of the inde­pen­dent plat­form 189 MHz _ Cre­ative Fre­quen­cy, and runs two of the most eclec­tic, orig­i­nal and pop­u­lar Barcelona fes­ti­vals in recent years: PULGAS MIX – a plat­form for young artists, musi­cians & fash­ion design­ers – and FEMELEK – a con­flu­ence of music, new tech­nol­o­gy and avant-garde art made by women. Togeth­er, the two fes­ti­vals have added up to an impres­sive 25 edi­tions in just ten years.

She is also the head of NSISTA, impres­sive elec­tron­ic vocal audio­vi­su­al project with her younger sis­ter, Amar­ilis, an orig­i­nal and delight­ful­ly fresh mix, com­posed from elec­tron­ic beats mixed with Afro-Latin roots rhythms, inter­est­ing vocal games and impelling stage performance.

NSISTA was released 4 works through the 189MHz plat­form, CABOCLA, MOYUGBÁ, ECHOES of MOYUGBÁ and 2012 _ all of them com­posed (music and lyrics) and pro­duced by Marise aka dji­i­va* y Amar­ilis. These releas­es has faced excel­lent crit­ics and impres­sive reper­cus­sion between the press and many acclaimed Euro­pean and Brazil­ian Djs, radios and press.

The music of dji­i­va* is a trip where elec­tron­ic beats are mixed with warm and groovy sounds, rem­i­nis­cent of black music and the infi­nite afro brazil­ian & latin influ­ences. Play­ing more than 10 years at fes­ti­vals and clubs all over Europe and South Amer­i­ca, dji­i­va* use to present her­self with NSISTA or in Dj Live Sets, when she shows her most recent pro­duc­tions, sur­pris­ing with her pow­er­ful fem­i­nine flow.

Lis­ten with atten­tion. It is elec­tron­ic music with soul.

Under the alias of *Avi­id – exper­i­men­tal ver­sion of her musi­cal research – Marise com­posed sound­tracks for Con­tem­po­rary Dance (Cia de Dan­za Pepe Hevia), Per­for­mances (The Sewel­ing Box – Berlin 2010) and Cin­e­ma. *Avi­id explores the ath­mos­pher­ic hiphop, elec­tron­ic sub­tleties, sam­pling, effects, acoustic instru­ments and voice mixed with dig­i­tal rar­i­ties, pure work in progress.

Cen­tered in the same cre­ative engine, *Avi­id & dji­i­vA* inter­twine in an unusu­al palin­dromic of brazil­ian soul, adven­tur­ous life, rest­less spir­it, con­ta­gious ener­gy, sen­si­tiv­i­ty, respect and love of music.