Luca Effe Sunset

Luca Effe Sunset
It all start­ed in 1978. Thanks to a cousin of mine who lived in Rim­i­ni. One evening he took me to a place that was cru­cial to start my jour­ney in music from CLUB  LA BAIA DEGLI ANGELI of Gabic­ce Monte Pesaro Italy, I met my two dj’s men­tors; that is: Daniele Baldel­li (Cos­mic) and Clau­dio Rispoli called Mozart. I was born as a DJ in 1980 with pri­vate par­ties, in the mean­time know­ing var­i­ous insid­ers of the time, I man­aged to land in dif­fer­ent Flo­ren­tine clubs and not in which in my sets I mixed var­i­ous gen­res (Soul, Funk, Dis­co, Afro, Rock and elec­tron­ic music).  In the ear­ly 90s I was lucky, also thanks to some friends, to arrive even to nation­al real­i­ties such as: Echoes, ECU, Peter Pan, Vil­la of Ros­es, Cap Creus etc. Rim­i­ni, Ric­cione, Tori­no, Roma, Bologna, Gen­o­va, Bari, Pia­cen­za, Par­ma, Reg­gio Emil­ia, Milan, Terni, Peru­gia, Zakymthos Greece, New York etc.
It was the Clubs and cities where I made my eclec­tic and orig­i­nal sound felt. In 2017 togeth­er with my friend San­dro Bitossi, I cre­at­ed the char­i­ty par­ty “CIAO ROBERTO” in mem­o­ry of the miss­ing of my dear friend Rober­to Bianchi “DISCO MASTELLONI”, his­tor­i­cal flo­ren­tine record shop, that since 1980 was a land­mark of all the DJ’s from Tus­cany and not, relat­ed to the world of Club Music. 
In col­lab­o­ra­tion with ANT (Nation­al Can­cer Asso­ci­a­tion) which deals free to the home care of the can­cer patient both in med­ical and psy­cho­log­i­cal terms.
In 2018 I then had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate my own Web radio slot at Stu­dent Hotel Flo­rence (fooo) “NEU RITMI” ded­i­cat­ed to the Past, Present and Future of Club­bin Music, with local, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al guests.
In addi­tion to this month­ly I col­lab­o­rate with anoth­er real­i­ty Web Radio Fiorenti­na RADIO AMBLE’ con­ceived by the mind of DJ Alex Neri (Plan­et Funk, Kama­su­tra etc.), by Fab­rizio Bod­i­ni (Demi­urge of Fioren­tine Nights) and the insights of DJ Nic­colò Rufus (Mar­mo rec, Bosconi rec) with my slot “LeCLUB” ded­i­cat­ed to the most COOL sounds on the planet.
Then again from March 2019 I joined the fam­i­ly of “MUSIC FOR DREAMS” of the leg­endary Dan­ish DJ Ken­neth Bager, where every Wednes­day from 4am to 5.00am and every Thurs­day from 9am to 10pm there is my space ded­i­cat­ed to Chill, Nuchill, Balearic, ambi­ent, Nu disc sounds. 
Peri­od­i­cal guest for some radios and web radios such as: Hamon radio, Tokyo, of my dear Japan­ese friend MAA, for Radio With­out Fron­tiers of my friend Nik.
As for pro­duc­tions in 2018 I released a Remix of the song “Dove c’è luce” by Tony Espos­i­to, extract­ed from the album “Viag­gio Trib­ale” for the Archeo recond­ings label of my friend Manu Archeo.
Var­i­ous col­lab­o­ra­tions in remix­es being defined, and my record label ded­i­cat­ed to the sounds of House Music con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed by the most dis­parate genres.