NSISTA is a remark­able musi­cal project from the brazil­ian sis­ters, Marise and Amar­ilis Car­doso, based in Barcelona. Their orig­i­nal audio­vi­su­al per­for­mance is delight­ful­ly fresh, com­posed from elec­tron­ic beats mixed with rhythms of afro-latin roots, inter­est­ing vocal games and impelling stage performance.

“I salute you,” say the sisters.
And not in span­ish or por­tuguese, but in yoru­ba, an african language.

As brazil­ian immi­grants in Barcelona, NSISTA not only rec­og­nize their eth­ni­cal­ly mixed back­ground, but explore it thor­ough­ly, delv­ing into the very depths of the myths and sound of Afro-Brazil­ian culture.

From this posi­tion, they embark on cre­at­ing music and live per­for­mances that reflect tra­di­tion whilst trans­form­ing it into some­thing com­plete­ly new and unique, with the pow­er of ancient roots music, ener­gy of the new world beats and dynam­ic synergy.

The NSISTA sis­ters were born in a house full of records _ their father is a vinyl col­lec­tor _ and began to exper­i­ment with clas­si­cal music at a very young age, study­ing in con­ser­va­to­ries, play­ing in orches­tras, singing in choirs, rock bands and djing in Brazil. Both are archi­tects and live and work with music between Barcelona and Brasil since the begin­ning of the mil­len­ni­um, and in 2007 got togeth­er to form NSISTA.

Released through the new 189MHz plat­form, the music of NSISTA is the lucid expres­sion of two musi­cians who under­stand that in order to cre­ate a new lan­guage and launch it into a glob­al­ized world, one must first forge a strong con­nec­tion to one’s roots.

Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly con­crete and spir­i­tu­al, rev­er­ent and dar­ing in equal mea­sure, and as close to the damp earth as it is to the dance floor, NSISTA’s music invites lis­ten­ers to get caught up in their spell and sense of amazement.

Two women, voic­es of dif­fer­ent shades, organ­ic beats, play­ing live dig­i­tal and ana­log­i­cal per­cus­sion; in a force­ful spec­ta­cle, with scenic inter­ven­tions and total inte­gra­tion with the crowd.

Beats, music, lyrics, clothes, acces­sories, make up, 100% hand made by NSISTA.