
Sari­Ta - Sar­it Baruch at age 43 she has been a DJ for over 20 years and by now she has played in most of the clubs in Israel. She actu­al­ly is the sec­ond ever female DJ in Israel! No won­der she sur­prised us with her taste in music and tech­ni­cal skills. She com­bines deep basslines with rec­og­niz­able tune:
Dur­ing the day she teach­es teenagers to djing, with real CDJ’s.
She lis­tened a lot of to Dark 80’s and Alter­na­tive music, but in the last decade she fells in love strong­ly to Deep House music!
he is lov­ing and liv­ing music every day. Her mis­sion in life: “To pass my music to as many peo­ple as possible!”